Tweaker Commands

You now have access to SynthBot1's Oscillator, Filter, and Envelope commands. As well as all Newb commands.

Oscillator Commands

Filter Commands

Envelope Commands


Oscillators are the main sound source of the Voyager. There are 3 oscillators you can control. All oscillators have an octave and waveform control, additionally, oscillators 2 & 3 have a frequency control.

Command Command Usage Variables Example
  • Adjust Oscillator 1 Octave
  • Adjust Oscillator 2 Octave
  • Adjust Oscillator 3 Octave
  • !osc1Octave OCTAVE
  • !osc2Octave OCTAVE
  • !osc3Octave OCTAVE
OCTAVE = { _32 | _16 | _8 | _4 | _2 | _1 } !osc1Octave _16
  • Adjust Oscillator 1 Waveform
  • Adjust Oscillator 2 Waveform
  • Adjust Oscillator 3 Waveform
  • !osc1Wave WAVE
  • !osc2Wave WAVE
  • !osc3Wave WAVE
WAVE = uint14 = 0-16383 !osc2Wave 10000
  • Adjust Oscillator 2 Frequency
  • Adjust Oscillator 3 Frequency
  • !osc2Frequency FREQUENCY
  • !osc3Frequency FREQUENCY
FREQUENCY = uint14 = 0-16383 !osc3Frequency 5200
  • Oscillator 1-2 Sync
  • !osc12Sync SWITCH
SWITCH = { ON | OFF } !osc12Sync ON


Filters can be used to control the frequency output of the sound. The Voyager has two filters. Both filters are controlled through a single set of commands.

Command Command Usage Variables Example
Adjust the Filter Cutoff Frequency
Adjust the Filter Spacing
Adjust the Filter Resonance
Adjust the Filter Keyboard Control Amount
Change the Filter Mode from Dual Low Pass to High & Low Pass


Envelopes help shape sound. The Voyager has two controllable envelopes: filter and volume. They share similar commands.

Command Command Usage Variables Example
Adjust the Filter & Volume Attack
Adjust the Filter & Volume Decay
Adjust the Filter & Volume Sustain
Adjust the Filter & Volume Release
Adjust the Filter Amount